Wednesday, 17 October 2012

roses & play-dough

Sweet roses from a friends garden. The scent is divine. I keep leaning over to smell them. Next autumn I can't wait to plant one of these roses in my own garden.

I got my country housewife on and made some play-dough for the kindy stall at the Strawberry Fair this saturday

Even with my thermomix it took fa-eva! 

After a pretty ordinary morning behaviour wise this is where I discovered the older boys after lunch...chit chatting away to themselves making up a story. So lucky. For them I mean...these two were only a smidge away from smacks (I mean consequences) about 15 mins earlier. 
Lazy days are good for the soul like nothing else I can think of.

Aunty S came round for coffee and to hang out with the boys. True wanted photos of their room for her to see all his special things since it was a bit tricky for her to get there. Please note the willing smile, and little hands clasped together. Please do not note the clothes only barely tucked into the drawers. I take what tidying I can get people. At least the clothes aren't on the floor.

Soul loves strawberries. He is cheeky and very gorgeous and he always has a runny nose. Always. I am sure he combines runny nose flavour and various foods at every single meal. I'm sure the strawberry was delicious all the same. Assuming that some actually went in his mouth and not just down his front and onto every surface between his mouth and the floorboards. I did clean up his chin, chest, hands, tray, legs, toes and floor. Cute babies can get away with a lot in my house.

Monday, 15 October 2012

these are the days

Well hello brand new little blog of mine. 

It’s time to document our days, and I'm so very much looking forward to doing it! 

I’m inspired to treasure the little things. Inspired to drink in the beauty-full mundane. Want to live it full. Live it magnified.

Don’t want to say too much more today. Just excited to have begun what I have been meaning to get started for months.