Tuesday, 12 March 2013


Yesterday morning we dropped True off at school, Soul at my mum's, and then Brave and I headed in to Tennyson to see Dr K and get my next injection. it's just hormone therapy - puts me into menopause to stop the chance of recurrence - none of the boys have come with me to ANY of my medical appointments, so it was to say the least a really big deal to bring Brave into this world of mine...a cancer treatment center can be confronting, but somehow it felt right to take him with me.

Traditionally i am petrified of needles since more often than not my veins have to be dug out of my arm before any blood can be drawn. This particular needle is an implant in my tummy, so it's a big needle with a serious sting. i actually put a local numbing patch on an hour or so first. it's the only way i can handle this needle. even so, every single time (this is my third monthly one...i'm counting down...only twenty one to go) i freak out that the patch won't work and i have to 'get in the zone' or i'd run out of that room!

Brave patiently waited about 10 minutes in the waiting room munching on almonds and dried fruit while i looked at my bible on my phone. 

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be dismayed. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

When i lay down on the bed, i notice a little head next to mine. He wants to hold my hand. 

something in me breaks a little. maybe its the cynicism that's been building since i've been sick, but somehow this little hand in mine...it's a bridge between me and...seeing the glass half full maybe? A bridge back to expecting good, seeing that i'm not alone dealing with this cancer. 

my strong and amazing Brave. 

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