Monday, 10 November 2014


My True lost his first 'for real' tooth on the weekend.

When he was four, Brave and he were playing on the couch and jumped down at the very same moment, ending up with Brave's head having True's tooth lodged in it. Now while this event did entail a visit from the Tooth fairy, this time was the real deal.

It wobbled and wobbled for a few weeks or more before an apple took it out. Huz searched around and True looked everywhere, but it seems it was swallowed somehow.

So a note was written and placed in the little bag to hang on the door instead of a tooth. Just so a certain fairy wouldn't get confused.

Luckily all worked out, and the Tooth fairy came through. She's good like that.

Cha Ching! $4 right there.


I just love this kid's grin. There's something awesome about how it changes with each tooth's coming and going.

(These smiles were achieved by the promise of a 'chubby chup' afterwards. Unfortunately I was rewarded with strained expressions from the older two and a strangled youngest. Sorry Soul. Was worth a go.)

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