Sunday, 19 April 2015

Oh happy day!

Oh happy day!

Here am i listening to the tinkering of rain on our tin roof (did I ever tell you that I almost refused the option of having extra insulation in our ceiling because I so love this sound) and I have my Brave next to me doing his own tinkering, choosing from the kids apps I have on my phone. He's so sweet all bundled amongst my white doona and pillows piled high and his oh so lovely little self just come to be by my side on this taste of winter afternoon.

And these really are my favourite days where boys are happily entertained (and my heart might burst as I think of my sweet sis-in-law Miss N and my two nieces who have made that possible today Miss N and Miss B - I'm so grateful to you girlies).

This morning was the birthday of that man I most admire, most love of them all. Huz. The one without whom I could never live. I mean it. I couldn't. He could live without me I just know it to be true, but not the other way around. I need him like I need air to breathe or chocolate by my bedside.

Huz you are an un-negotiable luxury  You are way more than I deserve on my very best day. I knew I married out of my league and you have proved me right every day since. And now you are busy loving me in all the 'cancer-y-ness' of this 2015, the way we never dreamed it would be. 

And when i think on the sacrifices you have made in loving me through the thin and the thick (mostly thick) of cancer it is piling sky high and it just keeps growing that stack of love, and I suspect will do until my dying day. I'm so very glad to be the object of your affection, baffled by it though I am. 

This day is your day, although on the surface it has not felt one skerrick of how I wanted to celebrate you. And you know (you didn't say it this morning, but you know) that it's the biggest birthday fail from my hands yet, but please don't let it trick you into thinking you are anything but my favourite person in all of this beautiful world, the one I race to for advice, the opinion I hold above every other, the heart who I hold as most dear, the one without who I could never be myself because we are so wrapped up together in all the best ways and none of the worst.

You're my favourite.

Happy birthday you. Well done for getting born, (well, actually that shout-out goes to my very dear mum-in-law. Thank you for such an amazing husband mum), for growing up and being you as only you can be.

I wouldn't trade you for anything.

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