Saturday 8 November 2014

3rd birthday letter for Soul

Dear Soul

Beautiful time keeper of my joy these past three years. How can you be three my sweet, soft cheeked boy? 

Happy Birthday darling!

Today it's like I'm seeing you with new eyes. The baby of my three boys is now so much not a baby. You assert your three years with long sentences, 'grown up' phrases and understanding so much more than surely you should at only three!? Today we have opened presents (lego of course) and gone to the shops hand-in-hand with you choosing a chocolate cake for this afternoons celebrations. Daddy and I have had you all to ourselves for most of the day, and you have been utterly delightful. Cheeky, chatty and so very aware that this day is your birthday, your day to be the centre of attention; the star attraction. And why not? So it should be!

We stopped in at the florist on the way home - you started a detailed conversation with the florist over your brand new hat and how it was your birthday - turning three of course- and you even threw in a mention of 'fake christmas' the celebration we held last weekend as Ali and her family won't be in Australia for the 25th…there was nothing you weren't happy to talk over with this lovely stranger. Oh my goodness, how grown up you are becoming, and how confident too.

You know your own mind Soul. You are stubborn and won't let go of an idea if you can help it. You understand the justice of 'time outs', and have experienced probably more than your fair share of them! When something is fair though, you are on board.

I am undone by your eyes. Those big eyes looking at me and telling me 'I love you mummy'. This is the best. 

We have a new little nighttime routine at home since you have recently moved into the daybed from the cot. You are the first of my three who likes me singing you to sleep, and oh my goodness I am revelling in the joy of it. To sing over you is such a treat! You love nursery rhymes equally as well as 'Jesus love me' and 'Jesus loves the little children'. We have started to finish our singing with the 'One.Two.' that the older boys learned at BSF some years ago. You are so darling as you lay there in the huge bed, utterly dwarfed by its length.

It reminds me that although you are still small Soul, you will be big soon enough. These days of quiet routines at home are beyond precious to me. I am so blessed to be your mama.

Love you baby,

Mummy xx

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